What Is Sleep OT?

A family-centred sleep health service
for children, adolescents and adults who have
trouble sleeping, that passionately aims
to help clients improve sleep quality
and daytime performance.

Sleep OT is a holistic health service;
uses an evidence-based behavioural
approach for disorders such as insomnia
and sleep deprivation;
and offers ongoing client support.

How Does Sleep OT Work?

You are dissatisfied with your sleep.
You give me a call.
We confirm an assessment time.
We meet. We chat.
I analyse your sleeping patterns
and daytime behaviour.
We begin making positive change together!
… You sleep well.

Who can we help?

Babies & Children

All newborns wake up at night for nutritional purposes, but eventually, all children need to get a full night of sleep…


Teens are often labelled as lazy because many like to binge sleep on the weekends – but this is really a conflict between biology and society…


Both young & older adults have many factors impacting healthy sleep – such as stress, anxiety, family and work demands and depleting health…

Hello! I’m Tanya,

your Occupational Therapist & Sleep Health Practitioner

As an occupational therapist, I’ve worked with both adults and children in various settings and realized that many of my clients were struggling with sleep deprivation. This realization led me to become passionate about the importance of sleep optimization as a crucial step in any health intervention program. While most occupational therapists focus on daytime occupations, I’ve upskilled myself as a sleep health practitioner, offering expanded services to empower anyone with sleep problems to use non-pharmacological strategies for sleeping better.

My expertise in sleep health has been recognized by my appointment to the South African Sleep and Health Society Allied Subcommittee. I also offer training to health professionals who want to learn more about how they can help their patients struggling with sleep issues.

Whether you’re dealing with insomnia or simply looking to improve your sleep quality, I’m here to help. I offer both face-to-face and virtual services, utilizing evidence-based techniques to help you optimize your sleep and improve your overall health and well-being. Contact me today to learn more about how I can help you achieve restful, restorative sleep.


Corporate Workshops

Do you have tired, stressed employees? Do you know about their sleep health?

Enquire about our engaging Sleep OT corporate workshops that aim to support the sleep health of employees and ultimately their performance.

Parenting Support

Having a baby who doesn’t sleep well takes a huge toll on a parent’s wellbeing, their ability to focus and their relationships.

Reach out for support if this is you, sometimes small changes to yours or baby’s routine can make the difference you need.


Sleep Health Workshops

Sleep OT runs regular talks, webinars and workshops
for the public, employee wellness,
schools and healthcare practitioners.

Click below to stay informed of upcoming events.

Prioritise Sleep Health

Quality sleep is associated with increased daytime performance in cognition, emotional regulation, overall physical health, relationships and many more!

To learn more about the benefits of good sleep, sign up to keep up to date
of upcoming learning opportunities…

Getting Started is Easy

Free 10 Minute Chat

If you need some reassurance that my services can help your unique situation

Book Appointment

75-minute assessment of how you are struggling with your sleep & daily function

Begin Sleep Intervention

60-minute weekly sessions focused on improving health by supporting healthy sleep

Frequently Asked Questions

What ages do you treat?

All ages! From baby to older adult. All ages require sleep and chronic sleep deprivation is never “normal” or “brave” at any age.

What if I am getting 8 hours of sleep every night and still tired every day?

Quantity is not the only factor to consider when assessing sleep. The depth and quality of your sleep is also important. There may be something disrupting your ability to sleep which could be biological or environmental. This requires an in-depth assessment.

I do not live in Johannesburg, how can I utilize your services?

Through the booking page you can select a virtual consult if needed. All you need is a stable internet connection and to download the virtual platform I use – called teleport.video. Or use WhatsApp Video Call – whatever you prefer.

Download teleport.video here.

Are you a “sleep trainer” for babies?

No. I am a health professional with a special interest in sleep health. I screen for sleep disorders in babies and provide support to parents who are, themselves, sleep deprived.

I am trained to provide intervention for babies who are not sleeping well, but focus on routine, environment and teaching self-soothing.

Will my medical aid cover this type of therapy?

Sleep OT services are charged at medical aid rates for occupational therapy. Invoices need to be paid immediately following the session and you will be able to claim from your provider thereafter. Your intervention program may or may not be covered under your specific medical scheme. Please contact me if you need to discuss this further.

Do you do home visits?

Yes, I like to incorporate a home visit into my assessment or at some point during intervention where possible. This allows me to ensure environmental factors are fully considered and addressed as needed. It also facilitates a convenient opportunity for a family-centred approach.